Friday, November 1, 2013


So my friend talked me into trying a picture-a-day for a month challenge. I guess it's also national blogging month or something? I don't know. But it sounded like two things. Either really fun or a set up for failure. But I'm trying this post on my phone so maybe that will make it more realistic for me to do. I still think it seems fun so we are giving it a whirl. 
I made this today. I've been trying to do the fruit/green smoothie thing a little more regularly. It's fun to try new combos. I don't get too crazy with them. Usually 3 different fruits and a huge handful of kale or spinach and some water and ta-da. Breakfast. Of champions. Although I don't feel like a champion. I'm feeling bigger and bigger and I know that happens with growing a baby and all but this week I've felt especially large and saddened by it. Oh well. Maybe I should swap more candy and crap out for these tasty treats. That's an idea ;)  Also the miracle with this is that I've actually gotten Tanner to drink it a few times.  Better keep it up for both of us.  Gonna need a new blender sometime I think...a vitamix sounds nice!

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