Sunday, October 30, 2022

Misc October

Saying goodbye to Mitt. Two days before he left, after doing 2 weeks of home MTC, Nat and Preston had us up for dinner to say goodbye. He headed off to the Mexico MTC on Tuesday where he'll be till November 1st of 2nd. 
Lots of fall sports fun! Lottie really has liked soccer and she ran the whole time, but wasn't super aggressive getting the ball. She had a few times she would dribble it a bit but like I said before, usually just lollygagging running with some smiles, waves and lots of high fives. I loved it. 

Last game for Harvey. He loved flag this year and he had a fun, pretty good team. He was really fun to watch. This is his buddy Max...and the girls are with Max's younger brother Rowan.

Brooke and I met up near Fernwood for take out Indian food, lots of glorious talking and catching up and a little stroll along the Bonneville Shoreline. 

And there's a mushroom that looks like a butt that I took a picture of to show the kids...and now that I'm actually typing this, I don't think I ever showed them. I need to :)
A little yard progress. Getting some dirt and rocks in. This area is where the garden boxes will eventually go. 

Hayden being the coolest "uncle"/"step brother" ever. 

Got these chairs on a super killer sale and we LOVE them. They aren't super heavy so unfortunately, during a nice windstorm that we had, they blew across the yard and a couple pieces broke. DANG IT.

Full moon, sitting by fire reading and relaxing...dreamy! And totally worth it. I'm so happy we have this!

I am so devastated and ashamed that this is really the only fall hike we went on, or me. I don't know how we didn't get out more but it saddens me. We actually did this one after church one Sunday without Tanner because we just didn't have other days to all go together. It was beautiful and glorious weather and so fun. 

This is kind of a funny picture - you unfortunately can't see the leaves she threw up cause they blend in, but she accidentally picked up a decent sized chunk of wood that came down and landed on her head. Luckily it didn't hurt her but we laughed and laughed about it. 

The girls brought out all these stuffed animals and just played and played out here forever. I think we were working on the garden boxes - which have turned out to be a very intensive, pain in the butt project. 

Picked up some old friends from Jefferson (Ryan and Addie and Boston) and met Annie and her kids here during fall break. We went to a park after and it was a fun fun day!

This actually ended up being the girls last day of dance. Part of me feels a little tiny bit sad, but I think more just about not dancing with Illume. I just loved watching them perform so much. But they absolutely LOVE tumbling. It's WAY way way more fun for them so I guess I should be happy about that :)

The church had an Old Testament tabernacle tour that I took the kids to. There were a few rooms we walked around in first to learn some things and then we walked through the tabernacle part (didn't take any pictures of that though) and then a few other rooms after, but the kids were pretty much done by that point. I thought it was really cool and interesting and a good spiritual experience. 

That night Tanner and I got to go out! Hayden offered to tend for us, which was way nice because it's not cheap paying for sitters ha. We went axe throwing which was different and way fun. The first round, Tanner just wasn't getting it figured out and I smoked him. He wasn't super happy about it and I gave him extra practice time and felt bad for hime and then all of a sudden he got into a groove and trashed me the next two games. Fun fun times and some excellent back and forth banter. 

Little DI run trying to find stuff for Tanner's work costume.  Which was the dad costume pictured in the Halloween post. Harvey was sick in the car :( 

He had fever, bad stomach ache and some puking. Barely ate anything for like 3 days. But luckily perked up for the weekend when the bulk of Halloween fun was happening. Thank goodness he wasn't sick on Halloween!

A couple of tumbling pictures. They were in heaven!

A cake I made for Annie's daughter Avery for her birthday. Unfortunately didn't get to even eat any - we had our Halloween party and couldn't go to her birthday party.

More soccer and annoying pictures that won't load straight. Don't know why. Lottie was definitely not the best at goalie but always wanted to do it. 

Tanner's friends who skiied with them on Sunday's a lot, the dad ended up dying from pancreatic cancer a few months back. Came on so fast and he passed so quickly. It was so terrible and sad. He's kept in touch over the non ski season and wanted to take the kids to the oldest kids' football game. Greta was the only one that wanted to go, so it was a fun little daddy daughter date. Greta had a great time and just loves Tex :)

So many soccer pictures :)

Scott invited Tanner to a U of U football game and Tanner was so happy and excited to go. And it turned out to be an INSANELY good game! 

School pictures. I have never not bought school pictures but it was so dumb this year. They were going to charge like $30 just for a digital print. And I didn't want a bunch of random sized, printed pictures and so I just rebelled and didn't buy any. Which sort of makes me sad - especially because Lottie's absolutely could not be cuter. 

Friday's off aligned and I was able to go to the temple with my parents. It was so great. Even got lunch after. Perfect outing!

And the last Sunday of October was the primary program. I recorded the kids parts but I can't get videos to load on here anymore and this was the only picture I got. Lottie did pretty good. Got kind of antsy and distracted. Greta killed it - she sang out so good every single song. And I even saw Harvey singing almost all of the songs. It was such a sweet program. They all did so good and the music was beautiful. One song they sang, Choose to Serve the Lord was particularly touching. Just felt the spirit so strong and also just felt such a deep yearning/desire for that to be what they do in their CHOOSE to serve God and to love Him and follow Him. Big hopes for these darling little people. 

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