Thursday, December 31, 2020

St. George after Christmas

I had booked the condo with Elaine a few months prior and then wasn't going to go. We thought we'd play with cousins and do fun stuff at home instead. And the weather was supposed to be stormy the day we could go and even come back so another pro for sticking around town. But then Tanner got Covid and so we weren't going to be able to play with anyone and so we decided to go so we could still swim and play a little and limit our exposure to his cooties :) The drive SUCKED sooooo bad. It took FOREVER. We stopped for oil change. Lunch in Nephi was the longest ever (of course the kids didn't want the same thing so we went to two different places - both painfully slow). Then the snow was terrible after Nephi. Made things super slow going. And wrecks caused more traffic and taking longer meant we needed more potty breaks. Then I forgot my swimsuit and so we went to Walmart in town to get everything but they didn't have swimsuits so another trip to Target. And two pizza place stops - Little Caesars had 40 minute hot and ready pizzas. So we got Papa Johns. So we left at like 9am and finally pulled into the condo at 7pm. Ate quick and went and swam for an hour or so. Yikes. 

The next morning we checked out the little dinosaur museum. We'd never been there. Lottie was a butt. I think they weren't as interested in the fossils as I thought. Harvey kind of. 

They had WAY more fun playing on this. And we probably played on it for 20 minutes. 
Then we went to their favorite park. And it was PACKED. Nice day and Christmas break in St. George. Still had a great time. 

Harvey is such a social little guy. He started talking to this bigger kid and he invited him in on their tag game and then he played with him for a while before they left. Made my momma heart so happy that that kid was nice to little ol' Harvey. I caught him before he left to tell him how awesome I thought that was of him. 

Then needed to try out Handel's. My parents had this when they were down here a few months ago and said it was awesome. Did not disappoint. 
Then off to DIXIE ROCK! My kids LOVE this place. We hiked and played around for a couple hours. It was so fun. I love letting them just explore and conquer their own trails and challenges out there. 

Harvey took this pic of me and then took a few selfies of his own while I was working my way back. So funny. 

With the hips. Little diva. 

And then another park. This swing thing was the coolest ever. Kind of like the swings at Lagoon but at a park. Holy cow. I wanted to go for a ride. Harvey and Greta loved it. Lottie was sleeping in the car. She was worn out and underslept. The whole trip we were all underslept :)

Forced them to go on a hike with me the next morning. Haha. They always complain about hiking but then they really have fun and seem to like it. It was a perfect little length for them. Johnson Canyon Arch trail. 

This was a mom win if I've ever seen one. There were some kids climbing up this little rock slope and so I told Harvey to take a picture of me up there. Greta decided she wanted to go too. Well halfway up she decided she was scared. So I got her situated for a picture even though she was already getting whiney and crying. Well, it just got worse from there. She wouldn't move to come down. It literally took over 10 minutes for me to help her get down. I was SUPER patient at the beginning, trying to comfort, console, motivate, and help her. To no avail. There were so many people at the end of this hike so I'm sure we were a fancy spectacle. And I feel so bad but it got REALLY annoying to me. And she would NOT listen or let me help her and just kept whiney crying. So then I wasn't patient anymore and was kind of a jerk which I'm ashamed of, but we eventually got down and then we made up at the bottom. Harvey recorded the whole dang thing. I deleted the video. 

That night we went to the rec center and swam for hours. The kids had a blast. It was tricky trying to keep eyes on everyone. But they were not annoying slide nazi's like some rec centers I've been to. You could just go up and go down when you wanted and they didn't care that I took both Lottie and Greta down at the same time while wearing puddle jumpers. That was a life saver. We went down the slide like 20 times. So fun. 

Then the next morning we cleaned up. We were going to go to the children's museum but for some reason they were closed on New Years Eve and not New Years Day. So the kids were kind of bummed. So we played a little tennis and Greta took this picture of me. And then we drove to my parents. Kids did great in the car and the weather was MUCH more pleasant and dry! Fun little trip!!!

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