Friday, September 30, 2022

Misc September

Some fun artwork by Greta - Favorite food is a Hawaiian shaved ice, favorite color is purple and best friend is Harper (a girl on her soccer team, who was in Kindergarten with her last year, but not in her class now).
I can ride a bike, I can play soccer, I can help my sister when she crashed on her bike, I can not yet ride a bike with no hands.
This is from Lottie - a tree and leaves and Lottie :)
I think this was the trigger for Greta's favorite food. There's a yummy shaved ice place pretty close to our house. We only made it once - in September and not even in the summer . I

Steff was my date one night to the Desert Star. Super fun! I think Tanner had a golf tournament that day and we did poor scheduling. 

We made it to another baseball game. Hopefully we can get to more next year. They are fun and we love the stadium.

We stayed out way too late to watch the fireworks after. They weren't the worst ever, and probably not worth the wait, but it was fun. We played a lot of catch with a sock that Harvey rolled up to use as a ball, until a ball came over the stadium in the parking lot and then we played catch with that.

Lottie and Jack getting married in the temple.
We tried out a new dance studio, since continuing with Illume just wasn't going to work - too far and they didn't have times that worked with the kids school. I have been so sad about it. The first few times it seemed like the girls liked it but after a few more weeks, they were pretty bored and whining and complaining about going. So...we ended up cancelling that and are going to move them to a tumbling class that they seem to like a lot more. 
Harvey LOVED playing flag football this fall. He did awesome. It was really fun watching him. He's actually pretty good!

Some yard updates - I spent probably 15 hours one week weeding. It was insane and so hard. We had SOO many weeds. After doing that, Tanner and I talked a lot more about our plans and ended up hiring a landscape company. And found someone to do our firepit. It was nice to see some quick results!

I was actually able to go on dates with the kids during my last stretch off. Harvey picked Toads. Arcades and mini golf and batting cages and ice cream. So much fun to just be able to hang out one on one. 

Greta picked pedicures. The place we went was awful but we still had fun. We went to McDonald's after but I forgot to take pictures there.  She joined me for grocery shopping after. She's a great helper!

We got matching lavender toes :)
The girls had a fun fall soccer season and both did pretty good! Especially Greta. I was amazed at how she just took to it this year and basically was the only one on her team that ever scored goals. Lottie was pretty content to run around skipping after the ball, waving and giving hi fives!

She's dang cute though!

I signed Harvey up for a fishing thing they did at a park right by our house. Heather was awesome and took him to the first one because it happened to be the same time as girls soccer games and there weren't enough people to get 3 people in different directions. I thought he was going to be SO excited about it. He is always wanting to fish and has begged to do it, but he didn't love it. I don't know why. This was the only one he ended up going to and both Heather and I were a little disappointed. Oh well, I guess it made our tricky Saturday schedules a little less crazy.

Greta getting after it...

KILLER fun Morgan Wallen concert. Man it was soooo good and so fun!

Lottie's date turn. She picked Toad's as well. We got Wendy's and then went to a park for a minute before Toad's opened and then did a few arcade games and played mini golf. 

White Corolla for my long September stretch.
Harvey went with the Messerly's to the September 11th Memorial down in Farmington. She shared some pictures.

Greta getting after it again. She has some talent!

Made this cake for my dad's birthday. It was DELICIOUS.

Looks comfy...???
Made for a great breakfast as well.

Suzy walking home with us and them holding hands is just super cute!
Crew's birthday party at Classic Fun Center.

Some people in the area put on a pretty huge Harry Potter party and we got invited to it. It was pretty impressive. The kids had fun. We didn't stay super long but pretty cool.

Fun, happy month despite hard 10 days away.  Can't believe it's already October!

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