Monday, April 24, 2017

San Diego

This trip came to pass on a whim. I had been asked by a coworker if he wanted me to work any shifts and so I gave one up so we'd have a long weekend and thought we could maybe go to a bed and breakfast or something overnight - or even just a date :) Tanner took it a few steps further and we decided to fly out to San Diego for the weekend and catch a bit of baseball and some beach and some of the city. I'd never been but Tanner has a few times and loves it, so I was all in. And my sis in law and mother in law were saints and helped out with the kids so it would be possible. First trip overnight since Harvey was born! Much needed!

This was the first food stop after we drove up the coast a bit and shopped around at some of the cool places along there. Mostly buying stuff for kids. Ha. But my oh my, holy delicious burger. A place Tanner had been craving for awhile :) He happened upon it with a friend on a trip there awhile ago.
The weather was San Diego perfect. We walked along a bunch of beaches and sat in the sand. Ate good food. And saw GREAT baseball.
And our rental was a super cool Mustang convertible! YES!

More time at the beach. My pasty legs really needed some sun time!

Our hotel :) Lovely!
Game 1.

We definitely indulged in the food department this weekend!

Saturday morning we waited in line at Snooze AM Eatery cause I found it online and became rather obsessed with the menu. It was MORE than worth it! Holy cow.

Cool Earth Day pancake on the left

Driving out to Coronado...

Waiting for game 2. We got free t-shirt hoodie things too for being there early. Worth it again :)
Biggest hot dog EVER.

Matchy matchy

I guess another one of my freeway pics snuck in here. This one is a little more edited and I think pretty cool :) It was a perfect, quick, fun, rejuvenating, childless trip! Lots more we need to see and do so hopefully the next one isn't 3-4 years away!

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