Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I figured I would do a quick post dedicated to one of Harv's strongest obsessions. Construction trucks. This is a great city to live in because there's no shortage of them! We see them all over. And they recently built a through street near a park where we walk a lot - so for most of the summer we got lots of close encounters watching all the cool stuff in action. Maybe that's part of the reason he loves them so much.

Don't mind the ugly mom picture. This was when he was really sick a bit ago. He doesn't like letting these things out of his sight. 
We went to Bismarck a month or so ago and didn't take the "digger" (he likes all trucks but the ones that "scoop" and "dump" are his favorites - well and bobcats). He talked about the scoop the whole time. We ended up buying another set down there :) He really can never have too many!
Walks to the mailbox have been taking much longer than they could. The small dirt road we take to get there provides FAR too many opportunities for stopping and doing some scoopin'. The way he says "scoop" and does the hand action, and how he says dump is so cute!
Some from a mailbox run with Tanner this last week:
He also has been in love with this junior Lego set Tanner recently bought that has some garbage trucks and this little green garbage can that he tries to lose on a daily basis. I'm bad cause I let him take it wherever because he asks about it ALL the time. So for the last month + he's taken it all over town. And amazingly enough,  I even know where it is right now. 
Also note those "shoes". He got them from my friend Brooke for a shower gift. He found them in his drawer about a month ago and wants them on all the time. They have diggers and dump trucks on them. Amazing. 
He has a puzzle that has construction puzzle that has a digger. Tanner recently introduced him to Gold Rush which is chalk full of cool stuff. The first time he watched it he gathered all of his trucks. Big, little, puzzle pieces etc and piled them on Tanner to enjoy the show. 

Love this kid and his fun personality! 

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