Monday, November 27, 2017

Lottie is 3 months!

Lottie is a completely different baby I think. We had a couple of rough months but now she is just so sweet and happy and so much easier. She is SO chubby! (75% for height weight and head circumference at her 2.5 month check up). She smiles a ton and coos just as much and I am obsessed. I love to just sit and stare and "talk" with her. She'll go for a good long time. So much fun. The kids are still obsessed with her and always want to hold her. Greta is always patting her cheeks and chest and grabbing her hands and Harvey always says "she's so cute!".

These are all basically the same. Only a mother notices the subtle differences and can't choose which ones to exclude.


Cutest little jacket from Aunt Shirley

 I love her big eyes and raised eyebrow expression that she pulls all the time!

 2 month shot appointment that was a few weeks late. I weighed her at home on her 2 month day and she was 11.6 pounds. Then at this appointment they said she was 13lbs 11oz. Probably didn't really gain that much in two weeks, but still - she's growing great and the chub is too much. The cheeks and thigh rolls. Holy moly. I'm in love.

I took this on her 3 month birthday which also happened to be Thanksgiving.  And boy are we ever thankful for her!

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