Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Misc August

Tanner got the gear room all organized and all the skis mounted. It looks so awesome. I love it. 

Before I left for Arizona I painted and cut a bunch of boards for the sky and then tried to get as many boards ripped as I could so Tanner could just go to town mounting everything. He finished while I was in AZ. OH MY GOSH I could not be more in love with how it turned out. We talked about putting some trees on it but I love it so so so much just how it is. He did an awesome job and we have had a million compliments on it. It's my favorite thing!

I don't even understand this. So funny. The kids all have had issues staying in their own beds. Harvey keeps blaming a bad dream about Siren Head as to why he can't sleep in his bed. So he's usually the only one down in this tiny corner or on the couch or on our floor in the morning. Sometimes the girls come down too. Not sure what triggered them all to be down here like this one night, but it's pretty comical to me. 

We made it to Cherry Hill ONE time this summer. So sad from last summer when we went like twice a week. It's not so close and convenient anymore. But we got there when it opened and hung out with Laura and Crew and Lucy till about 3. Tanner showed up after work and we swam and played till they closed. It was a way fun day! I'm so sad we didn't take any pics of the kids together - with Crew and Lucy. 

The next day we met Brooke and her boys at Surf and Swim. That's another super fun place. I don't think we'll get passes anywhere next year and we'll just bounce around to all the places we like :)

I don't know why I like documenting all the different cars I end up with in Arizona, but it's become kind of a thing now, so I can't stop.
The bishop's family gave us a jar after Harvey found a caterpillar egg on one of their milk weed plants/weeds one night. So over the course of a couple months we watched it hatch from a tiny egg and grow to a pretty large caterpillar. It was pretty crazy to see how much food it could go through in a day when it got bigger - and how much it pooped! It was in it's cocoon for a long time and we even took it up camping because we didn't want to miss it hatching. It never did and then one Sunday morning I walked by and saw it crumpled at the bottom of the jar. I guess it's wings don't work right at first cause it's all soggy. So I got a stick and took him out and we held it for a little bit. The kids weren't as excited about letting it get on them like I thought. Only Greta let it get on her dress. It was so cool to look at. Unfortunately, it flew away while we were at church so we couldn't watch all the finality of it but it was a really fun and really cool process!

Primary party for Greta's class at Hudson Payne's pool.

I don't even know what's going on here. I can't remember what she was doing or why she wanted me to take a picture. 
So mad about this, but Anne Spencer was in town and so Brooke and I and her met up at Meuller Park for picnic and chatting. I left Harvey home doing other things but the girls came with. I'm mad we didn't get a picture of the three of us. SO dumb. But on the way home the girls wanted to stop at the temple. So we walked around the grounds. 

Lottie's first soccer practice and I don't think I've seen anything cuter!

We made it once to Classic Waterslides. I had forgotten about this place but Harvey pulled it from his memory banks and asked if we could go. It probably had been 3 years since we went one time with Crew and Lucy. Maybe 2. But awhile, anyway. We brought his friend Caroline and it was a pretty darn fun day!

Greta posing even while she's sliding 

Harvey requested I take a pic of these flying by

Back to school night! I actually had to work this night, but luckily a friend was nice enough to stay a little late so I could go right at the first. I'm so glad I could. It was so fun to be with the kids as they met their teachers and kind of see and feel the excitement for a new year of school! And I can not even stand that Lottie is going to be in full day kindergarten. She's too tiny. It's crazy and sad and exciting and happy and terrible all in one. 

Her teacher is Mrs. Gilbert (she's in our ward along with the other kindergarten teacher).

Greta got Mrs. Prince. 

And Harvey got Mrs. Neilson, also in our ward ;)
I went down to my parents on a Saturday morning for their stake women's conference. Steff joined and it was a beautiful and uplifting day :) Then we hung out at my parents for awhile.
They had a stake carnival that my kids heard about from the babysitter that watched them while I was gone (my dad was doing the recording and such there too). They were DYING to go check it out. Tanner was home and we were wanting to go eat and hang out with him. So we went to the carnival right when it started and basically NOTHING was set up. It was kind of a bust. They were starting to set up bounce houses but I knew it was going to be a super long time, so we basically did nothing but kick this ball around for 4 minutes and get snow cones. Haha. Oops. We did go pick up Tanner and go get ice cream after though :)

The primary had a bounce house party the day before school. Lottie hit her chin into someone's head and got this CRAZY bruise from it that lasted a long time. It was rather impressive. 

Doing fake nails that Lottie got for her birthday. Big mistake on my part doing it before school. They kept falling off and I'm sure were a huge distraction and problem for the teachers. Oopsies. 

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Such dang cute kids! They all kind of coordinated too. (This day happened to be Lottie's birthday, but that's a separate post). 

They all seemed to have good days. Thank goodness. Hope it's an awesome year! And Tanner sent me this pic after I headed out to AZ of them matching. So adorable. 
Arizona. I liked this car. 
I had to leave a couple of days after school started and missed the girls first soccer games. That's Lottie in the middle of the field. Tanner said she wasn't too aggressive but seemed to have fun and did a good job at goalie. Their team won! And fortunately, Berrie came to Lottie's game since they were at the same time and two different places. Greta apparently had something happen to her over the last year...she was super aggressive, scored all 3 of their goals and was a little superstar! So sad I missed it!

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