Tuesday, March 20, 2018

St Patrick's Day

I was kind of slow on the planning party for St. Patrick's day again this year. I worked the night before and had some prep work to do when I got home at 2. Oops. But it was totally worth it. Man oh man. Harvey's excitement when he got out of bed and saw the leprechaun had left a 'Pot of gold" was priceless.  It made waking up and getting out of bed after a VERY short night much easier. It took some coaxing to realize there was something under the shamrocks and that it "might" be a clue :) 

I took this the night before just because I figured I wouldn't get a good picture when the kids were running around (I also forgot to put in a coloring book and Curious George book that I had in our closet...it showed up later)

 Oh he was so into it. It was so cute. He needed help at a lot of the hiding spots but it was really fun!

 Jackpot! I should have recorded his reaction :)

 Green pancakes - made with spinach that they both actually ate a good portion of which always makes me happy :)

 Lottie approved of them too!
Harvey picked out his entire outfit. Even had green underwear on. I love the hodge podge mix of greens. Love it.

 Then they both wanted a turn wearing the hat.

Tanner was supposed to have a golf tournament and I was going to take the kids to the parade in Salt Lake, but it was snowing and rainy all morning so his golf thing got cancelled and I had no interest in standing out side. But in the early afternoon it stopped and wasn't too freezing and so Heather came over and we went on a 5 mile run. We got a few honks and waves. It was awesome. So fun to be out with her. I was having tender thoughts about Savannah and a fun St Pat's race we did there and also the huge crowd of celebraters there!
That was about the extent of our days activities. I made crock pot corned beef and cabbage. Lottie and I ate some by ourselves before I had to work at 5. Tanner and crew ate a little later. The next day we went to my parents for a green party. I was decked out and it was great but I didn't even take any pictures. That was a shame. We had cream of zucchini soup, green salad, green jello, rolls with green honey butter and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. It was a fun night. And I smoked everyone in Mexican Train.

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun day! I’m the world’s worst mom and never do cook St. Patrick’s day things....
