Monday, October 15, 2018

Day 1 at the park

This was our hardest play day for sure. And the heaviest picture day by far. We were all pooped after but it was so much fun. I LOVED Lego Land. It was awesome. We went at a great time of year. It wasn't too crowded (we made a mistake when we got to go in early and just went on the first ride available, like everyone else - so that was our longest line and it was about 20 minutes). The weather was amazing. The kids loved the rides (got scared a titch on a couple) but mostly it was just a lot of fun with a lot of non ride places to play and build. 

Before the park opened we played with legos and ate breakfast.

Go time!

We stocked up on some mini figures so that we could trade them throughout the park. 

The dragon coaster. First ride. Small roller coaster. Neither kid liked it. Haha. It made Greta "super sad".

My dad and Lottie played in the dino dig area while we were waiting in line.
Pop's a sucker for opportunities for spoiling :) They fished and earned some elephant stuffed animals as their prize.

I loved all the legos everywhere. Fun, cool statues all made out of legos everywhere you looked. This one made a growling sound that scared both the kids. Haha.

Funny enough, we did this ride the most. A very leisurely boat ride around a bunch of fairy tale creatures (hence the name, Fairy Tale Brooke).

The sequence of these pictures is funny. Total fear and hate, then it might be okay, then it's actually fun :)

My dad with all the ladies!

Lots of little shops to go in and try and decide what we want to spend more money on, with more blocks to play with too.

Harvey played with all these big blocks just laying around while Greta and Pop went on another little boat ride - this is the stuff that I thought was SO cool and fun. It wasn't all just standing in line and rides. Lots of opportunity to just run around and play and be creative.

Luckily Lottie took a little nap, so we didn't have to take her back to the hotel. We went on a few rides without her. A fun swinging boat ride which was probably my favorite and a fun little submarine one that was slow but cool to look at real fish and sharks and sting rays while searching for sunken treasure :)

Playground and apple fry break. Mmmmm!

Then we spent some time walking through Star Wars Land and Mini Land. So cool to see the detail of everything, all in legos!

More interactive play. Build lego boats and send them down the water.

A little shopping and one VERY happy boy, before stretching the day to include a visit to the aquarium.

The aquarium was actually pretty cool. I felt like we kind of rushed through it because we were all getting hungry and tired - and Lottie was pretty much done too.

My dad and I drove across the way to Costco to get pizza so we could eat in a more relaxed environment and not have to sit and keep kids quiet in a restaurant. It was the right choice I think. Pizza was tasty and we got Lottie to bed fairly early ish. Then we wandered through our hotel, did a little dance party, played with legos and then made our way over to the other hotel, the Castle Hotel, that just opened this year.

We sufficiently wore them out!

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