Wednesday, October 31, 2018


We had a few fun Halloween specific events that I'll include here :) First was pumpkin decorating. And if that's not the cutest picture of Greta, I don't know what is! Harvey wanted batman, so I found a picture that I felt like I could actually do on a pumpkin and that he approved of (it took a bit of work and time). 

It was a lot of fun and Lottie entertained herself by making her own messes.
Final products :) (Minus Greta's that's on the other side of the steps and didn't get carved or pictured).

Time for my family's annual Halloween party. I know it happens every year and every year I'm grossly unprepared for mine and Tanner's costumes. So, on the way down, I stopped at Saver's with the kids, found this cute little elephant costume for Lottie. Harvey picked out Tanner's costume and I found a fun Tazmanian Devil costume that turned out to be a large child size. Oops. Soooo, luckily I had grabbed a greek goddess dress for like $4 and ended up wearing that. Maybe next year I'll be more prepared.
But her little legs and hat and boots just kill me. So cute.

My parents are the coolest. They have had massive creativity and awesome costumes from the beginning of this tradition. Maybe next year we'll step it up.

I LOVE this picture. Her little face seems so intent on the back of the phone.

She was not cooperating for this photo op. She hated the wig. Well, the glasses too.

Matchy matchy Halloween jam's cubed :)

We tried doing jack o'lantern pancakes. They were literally pumpkin pancakes that we decorated. It was a little anticlimactic but they tasted really good.

Harvey and his good friend Crew that we carpool with. 
I got to help with a little game for his Halloween party. It was also a last minute put together. I found those cute buckets at Walmart and we tossed little squishy things into them and then they got to pick some prizes. It was alright. I think they had fun.
Harvey's class.
My Halloween dinner turned out a little cuter, although less well received as far as eating. Weird that they didn't like the crescent rolls over the hot dogs. The cheese pumpkins and apple mouths went over a little better. Lottie liked it all :)
Attempting pre-trick or treating pictures. Lottie was less than cooperative. But they all looked so cute. I can't believe that girl in pink is mine. Man. I remember being SOOO anti-pink for most of my life. And I couldn't have gotten more pink on her if I tried, and I thought she looked so cute. And was so bright. I loved seeing her run around from house to house!

Greta was pretty hesitant and shy at first. She wanted me right next to her and me saying "trick or treat". But after a few houses she got the hang of it and was loving it. Then after every house she'd ask "where we going now!?" and when I told her the next house, she'd squeal and say woo hoo and run off to the next house. EVERY time. And then she'd stand awkwardly after people gave her candy and wouldn't walk away very fast, and then would exclaim, "that my friend!". And "that my friend too" at the next house. It was really so cute and so fun. Lottie was kind of a pill, but overall, I had a blast with them. I love holidays with these little kids!

One of the many reminders that we needed to say "trick or treat" first and then "thank you" after. Unfortunately the thank you's got forgotten a good bit.

We ended up at Grandma Elaine's for a short little visit and checking out the stash. Someone at work told me about a wicked witch that flies around and takes candy that kids leave outside their door and exchanges it for a present. Harvey was all over giving up most of his candy :) He got a little transformer toy and Greta wanted to keep her candy.

Lottie definitely is our kid. She's a REAL big fan of candy (she says it and it sounds like dadda). Happy Halloween!

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