Monday, April 23, 2018

Lottie 8 months

It still never ceases to amaze me how slow and fast time goes. Lottie is still the smiliest, happy little thing. Her moments of frustration are kind of funny. She sticks her arms out straight and kind of flexes everything and grunts at the same time. Usually when something is taken away that she wasn't done with. She still loves the bath and usually is trying to jump out of my arms into the tub. These are actually pics of her last time in the baby tub. We've advanced to big tub status and she loves it. 

Her one and only word is "dada", usually repeated fifty times. Haha. It's funny and so cute. But I can not for the life of me get her to say mama. Or anything else for that matter. 
Thee cutest cousins. I love watching them interact!
She's still eating lots and trying new things and likes most things. Seems like she likes a lot of meat and still doesn't love the pancakes/bread type stuff. She loves fruit. And yogurt and cheese and eggs. And she's nailed the pincher grasp this month and it's so cute. She does love the little baby puff things too, which is fun to let her go after them herself. She also doesn't seem too keen on oatmeal or cream of wheat and she's decided she's not a fan of bananas. None of my kids really like those. Sometimes Greta will. Weird. 
Another big development this month is we moved her into Greta's room. For a couple months, maybe less, she had reverted to waking up a couple of times a night. That was a nightmare on regular nights, but especially getting home late and either feeding her for a bit before getting to go to sleep or just falling asleep and being woken up to feed her, etc. Not good. I was terrified to do anything. I wanted to get Greta in a toddler bed and just do the whole thing at once. But we ended up moving her to the piano room for only 2 nights I think. The first night was awful and heartbreaking but then she did great the next night. So we put them together. And for the most part it's been good. Sometimes they keep each other up and sometimes they wake each other up, but mostly they both just sleep through the night and it is heaven.
First time sitting in a shopping cart.

And she was never a binky baby and won't ever be. But this is her go to. Two fingers all the time. Usually it's the middle too, but any two will do really.

I thought this was funny - sucking the same toy fingers that she does in real life. Haha.
She gets the crib during morning naps. How precious is this?
And this...?
And really all the sleeping pics really. I. can't. help. myself. I have actually got a few more snuggles than usual. We had a rough time at the zoo and she WOULD NOT fall asleep in the crib and FINALLY fell asleep facing me in the bjorn. Now if she's pretty tired she lay on my shoulder (if there's a blanket there). It's never as long as I'd like but I'll take it.

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