Friday, March 1, 2019

Greta's birthday

Oh we had SUCH a fun day celebrating Greta! It was a big, great party and I realized that next year she'll literally have her birthday day and so we HAVE to go big on that one, but I feel like we went pretty big this year so it might be hard to beat. She requested a princess party with a princess cake. I found this great deal on this AWESOME bounce house. It was a HUGE hit! Oh man. So much fun. We just set it up in the cultural hall of the stake center, had our tables set out and then my dad brought his pickle ball net. So it was fun for all ages!

The kids also enjoyed playing up on the stage. Cute little note from Emery! And I also love the drawing by Harvey!

She got spoiled!

There is a picture below of the cake she actually requested. We looked at "princess cakes" on Pinterest for weeks before her birthday, and it was always that one. I thought it looked easy enough for me to handle so I decided to do it myself. Mistake. The before and after is laughable. I had issues with one layer crumbling out of the pan. I didn't freeze the layers flat so the cake was super gappy and uneven. And something really terrible happened to the frosting. Gritty and uneven and weird. And I must not have had the right piping tool to make the same swirls. Oh well. It did end up tasting okay :) And she didn't complain. (although as I am typing this a month later - she did request a chance to look at princess cakes again on Pinterest and came across the one she asked and said that was the cake she wanted and whimpered a little like she was so disappointed that it wasn't the same.)

The loot!

We had her birthday party the Saturday before her "birthday" (which we still have decided to celebrate on March 1st) although we celebrated it the 28th this year because Tanner went out of town that afternoon. Not like she knows the difference at all anyway. We did our presents and then took her to breakfast - Sill's is becoming the traditional birthday breakfast joint!

Arial underware

Skye from Paw Patrol helicopter toy

She would not cooperate for a good bday picture at all.

I didn't start doing these till 4 with Harvey, but I created my own one and saved it so I'll stick with this now for every birthday and I wanted to see what she would come up with. She's a funny, pest-y, STUBBORN, silly, wild, shy little girl that loves her Grammy and babies and princesses. She is a light in our lives and we LOVE our Grety girl.

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