Sunday, March 24, 2019

St. George - Snow Canyon

Monday morning Tanner got a ride (in a private jet!) back to Salt Lake because he had to work. Our plan was to head to Snow Canyon to hike and play for the afternoon before Brooke and Jake had to leave. We started out on the lava tube hike. We though the boys would think lava rock etc would be cool. They did, but it was kind of trickier hiking for the kids (mine). Just lots of really sharp and jagged rocks. Lottie just wanted to walk so she and Greta kept tripping and if there was sand, she just kept stopping. So we hiked to the first lava tube cave and had some snacks and looked around and then hiked back. Jake was awesome enough to carry Greta back so I could carry Lottie. Harvey is a stud and is a great hiker!

Love this picture :)

This place is so pretty!

Next stop, sand dunes. They literally walked 10 feet from the parking lot. It was already a giant sand box and that's ALL they wanted. We didn't go play on the hills at all. They were completely content to sit and dig and play. It was awesome. We sat and enjoyed the moments. Stayed for a couple of hours and then we wanted to do one more hike before they had to leave.

Jenny's Canyon. Half a mile hike but we had some tired kids. It went into a short but fun and cool slot canyon. And an easy walk.

He's too cool to smile for most pictures now, apparently.

The trail went up from the canyon a little ways. While we were messing around taking pictures, Greta and Alec took it upon themselves to hike up there alone. Impressive and also scary. Brooke and Jake went and rescued them.

I never should have even worn that dang Bjorn. Lottie refused to be in it.
After that, we headed back to the condo and Brooke and Jake packed and cleaned up and headed out. We didn't really do anything more that night. I really wanted to do early bed. We did baths and ate dinner and played the Don't Step In It game and went outside to ride around for a little bit. Such a perfect evening! And then we all slept on the couch/floor since sheets were washed and beds made :) We were all out by 8!

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