Saturday, November 9, 2013


I'll speak for Tanner on this one. 
All his. Not mine.  Maybe after some time he'll let me drive. We were able to go down to Bismarck today to pick it up. It took awhile but he is happier than ten happy things and it is a sweet truck. Baby Harvey will appreciate the ample space in the back. 
Learning some stuff. 
Now that is one happy boy with his "mine" truck. But HE is mine. And he makes me happy. And him happy is also happy. So there is just a lot of happiness all around. 
This definitely helped the happiness. And was also all mine.  Yeah buddy. Now if only I could be laying on MY pillow. Sleeping in MY bed...

1 comment:

  1. Pretty truck......I mean handsome?? I don't know....but I'm happy Tanner is happy and so are you!!! YUM coldstone. WIN WIN
